Name: MVP
- 1x | Aqua Affinity Blast Protection 4 Fier Protection 4 Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending Respiration 3 | Diamond Helmet
- 1x | Blast Protection 4 Fier Protection 4 Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending | Diamond Chestplate
- 1x | Blast Protection 4 Fier Protection 4 Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending | Diamond Leggings
- 1x | Blast Protection 4 Fier Protection 4 Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending Depth Strider 3 Feather Falling 4 Frost Walker 1 | Diamond Boots
- 1x | Sharpness 4 Unbreaking 3 Fire Aspect 2 Looting 2 Sweeping Edge 4 Mending | Diamond Sword
- 1x | Efficiency 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending Fortune 4 | Diamond Pickaxe
- 1x | Efficiency 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending Fortune 4 | Diamond Axe
- 1x | Efficiency 4 Unbreaking 3 Mending Silk Touck | Diamond Shovel
- 9x | Netherite Ingot
- /workbench - open a virtual workbench
- /compass - display your compass location
- /loom - open a virtual loom
- /cartographytable - open a virtual cartography table
- /grindstone - open a virtual grindstone
- /stonecutter - open a virtual stonecutter
- /sit - use this to sit on the ground
- /enderchest - open a virtual enderchest
- /tptoggle - toggle TP requests on/off
- /recipe - find a crafting recipe
- /fly - toggle flight mode on/off
- /smithingtable - open a virtual smithing table
- /anvil - open a virtual anvil
- /pweather - set weather for you
- /ptime - set time for you
- 3x | Rows in backpack
- MVP Rank - on discord
- Kit - use the MVP kit
- Homes - use up to 6 personal homes (/sethome)
- Jobs - work on 4 jobs at once
- Auction House - list 5 items at once
- Special Voting Reward
- 3 pwarps